Juan Belana

He obtained a degree in Physics with a thesis based on a extensive study on electrets behavior (University of Barcelona, 1968).
He worked on the characterization of the conduction mechanisms in polymer electrets by thermally stimulated depolarization currents, which was the basis for his PhD in Physics (University of Barcelona, 1978). Between 1992 and 1997 was involved in the European program“Arpege”. He has developed a active collaboration with General Cable since 1998 and he is currently carrying out research on space charge in insulating polymers, specially in XLPE and in the role of semiconducting shields of power cable. He was the founder of the research group on the Electrical Properties of Insulating Materials at the Technical University of Catalonia, UPC, which finally has resulted in the Laboratory of Dielectric Physics (DILAB). He is also member of the Lasers group, which has been awarded by the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) with a quality mention.
Address: Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeries Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa
Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
c/ Colom 11, despatx 1.62 (TR5)
08222 - Terrassa (Barcelona)
E-mail: juan.belana

Work phone: +34.93.739.81.39