Years: 2000-2004


SFE2000 (2ème Conferénce sur l’Electrostatique), Montpellier (France), 2000
Contribution: I. Tamayo, J. Belana, M. Mudarra, J. C. Cañadas, J.A. Diego, J. Sellarès. (Oral) Study ofspace charge in XLPE insulated cables by TSDC.
CSC ´4 ( 4 Internat. Conf. On Electric Charles in Non-Conductive Materials ), Tours (France), 2001
Contribution: I.Tamayo, M.Mudarra, J.A.Diego, J.C.Cañadas, J.Sellarés, J.Belana. (Poster) Characterizacion of the XLPE insulation of medium voltage cables by theTSDC technique.    
CSC ´4 ( 4 Internat. Conf. On Electric Charles in Non-Conductive Materials ), Tours (France), 2001   
Contribution: J.Sellarés, J.Belana, J.C.Cañadas, J.A.Diego, M.Mudarra, I.Tamayo. (Oral (paper)) Study of physical ageing in PMMA by DSC and TSDC.
APTADM ´ 2001 (Internacional Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials), University of Wraclow (Polonia ), 2001
Contribution: M.Mudarra, J.Belana, R.Díaz Calleja, J.C.Cañadas,J.A.Diego,J.Sellarés, M.J.Sánchiz.  (Poster) Correlated ion hopping in PMMA at temperatures above the glass transition.
APTADM ´ 2001 (Internacional Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials), University of Wraclow (Polonia ), 2001
Contribution: J.C.Cañadas, I.Tamayo, J.Sellarés, J.A.Diego, M.Mudarra, J.Belana, Rdo Díaz Calleja, A.García. (Oral (paper)) Comparative study of cold crystallization effects in PET by TSDC, DEA and DMA.
APTADM ´ 2001 (Internacional Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials), University of Wraclow (Polonia ), 2001
Contribution: I. Tamayo, M.Mudarra, J.A.Diego, J.C.Cañadas, J.Sellarés, J.Belana. (Oral (paper)) Effect of electrical field and annealing on XLPE mid-voltage cable insulation by TSDC.
APTADM ´ 2001 (Internacional Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials), University of Wraclow (Polonia ), 2001
Contribution: J.A.Diego, J.C.Cañadas, M.Mudarra, J.Sellarés, J.Belana. (Poster) Physical ageing studies in high crystallinity degree PEN by TSDC, TSPC, and DSC.
2ND International Conference on Broadband Dielectrics Spectroscopy and its Applications, Leipzig (Germany), 2002
Contribution: J.A..Diego, J..Belana, , J.C.Cañadas,, M.Mudarra,J.Sellarés. (Poster) TSDC data modelization of physically aged.
2ND International Conference on Broadband Dielectrics Spectroscopy and its Applications, , Leipzig (Germany), 2002
Contribution: M.Mudarra, , J..Belana, R.Díaz Calleja, , J.C.Cañadas, J.A.Diego,,J.Sellarés ,M.J.Sanchis. (Poster) Dispersive AC conductivity in PEI by dielectyric spectroscopy. 
8TH IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Laboratoire de Gènie Electrique de Tolouse, Toulouse (France), 2004
Contribution: J.A..Diego, , J.C.Cañadas,, J..Belana, M.Mudarra,J.Sellarés, J. Orrit, F. Frutos. (Poster) Space carge studies on mid voltage cable by TSDC in the melting temperature range.
8TH IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, Laboratoire de Gènie Electrique de Tolouse, Toulouse (France), 2004
Contribution: M.Mudarra ,, J..Belana, J.C.Cañadas, J.A..Diego, J. Orrit, F, J.Sellarés. (Poster) Comparative Study of Conductivity in Mid-Voltage Cable XLPE Insulation.
3rd International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications, Delft University of Technology, Delft (Holanda), 2004
Contribution: J.A.Diego, J.Belana, J.C.Cañadas, M.Mudarra,J.Sellarès, J.Orrit. (Poster) Re-crystallization effects in Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents measurements of XLPE in the melting temperature range.
3rd International Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications, Delft University of Technology, Delft (Holanda), 2004
Contribution: M.Mudarra, J.Orrit, J.Belana, J.C.Cañadas, J.A.Diego, J.Sellarès. (Poster) Study of space charge relaxation in polyethylene terephthalate at high temperatures by dielectric spectroscopy at the electrical modulus level.